German leg of trip

Although the visit to Germany was a brief one, I was able to revisit a couple of my favourite beers from the area in the Black Forest where we stayed. Unfortunately, the bar that sells one of my favourites, Ganter, was closed for holidays (damned inconsiderate if you ask me), so bummed out there.

I did however, use the opportunity to stock up on a dozen or so beers to bring home to France, to sample at my leisure. Looking forward to that: I have to admit though that all but two of the beers I brought back are ones I have had before, but they are all pretty good so that’s not an issue.

This is one of my favourites, Rothaus pils; brewery is located in the town of Grafenhausen in the Black Forest. Light colour, clear, slightly bitter. Refreshing.


To my knowledge, this was the first time I’ve had this beer on tap, although I’ve had it in bottled form a couple of times. Light honey colour, good head & lacing, refreshing.

Label claims they have been making it since 1283 (!) so I guess they know what they’re doing.


This is the beer I missed out on this trip; this photo is taken from 2021. I was mightily pissed off to find the bar closed this trip.

This is the selection I’ve brought home, for tasting at my leisure. Some lucky person might be invited to join me…

Have already started on the selection; this is a pretty commonly available beer, but always good. Oddly, have never had it on tap.

Another widely known one, although not as easy to find as Krombacher. I’ve had this on tap a couple of times before, damn fine beer. Worth looking out for




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