So, a two week road trip brought the opportunity to try some new beers in France & Germany, and to revisit some old ones.

In some cases the re-visited beers were the result of necessity - being the only decent beer available at the location. But in other cases, they were a welcome return to a beer that is something of a favourite.

I guess the pinnacle of the trip was to discover that one of my absolute favourite beers, Mont Blanc, is in fact available on tap. I have never seen it before.

All this and more will be covered in this post.

This section covers the French leg of our trip.

I have to confess that this photo is a bit of a fraud, in that it’s not my photo. A friend found this bar, called Brasserie du Theatre in Annecy, France, with the whole range of Mont Blanc beers on tap.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find this particular bar on the day I visited Annecy, but, as the pictures below will show, I did find another bar that had MB on tap, albeit a much-reduced range.

So, I found the La Cristal (IPA) at the Bar Kelsa in Annecy; disappointed that they didn’t have La Blonde on tap, but this one is pretty good all the same. Have had in a bottle before and was pleasantly surprised because I normally don’t like IPAs much.

So, the trip started at a favourite place we stay sometimes, called Auberge de Chassignolles in the village of the same name, in the Auvergne in France. Pretty limited beer selection, but can’t complain with this one, an old favourite.

This is the other blonde beer they carry, La Damoiselle Blonde. Have had it here before; a bio (organic) beer from the local area, 5% alcohol. Slightly bitter, somewhat cloudy like most bio beers; not much of a head. Not one to die for but certainly drinkable. 6/10

On to near Gordes, in the Luberon (France) and at a bar/restaurant called Maison Baleti in a little place called Cabrieres D’Avignon I discovered the blonde version of a beer that I have had before called Pietra, from Corsica. I’ve had their Ambre before which I didn’t like that much, but this one is pretty good. Nice honey colour, not a great head and surprisingly little lacing, but very refreshing.


Still in the same area, at a bar called Bar La Gare at a town called Bonnieux; this was a new one for me; called Blonde Ensoleillee, from Aix en Provence. This was a tester; have never heard of it before but thought it was worth a try. Honey colour, slightly cloudy, poor head. 5% alcohol. Not one I would seek out but perfectly drinkable.


This is one of the examples of choosing the only beer available that is worth drinking (I won’t mention the name of the alternative). La Pizzeria du Jabron, in a town called Dieulefit. Not that Moretti is anything to complain about, quite the opposite, but it’s one I’ve had many times so nothing that would have surprised.

Very fine beer like most Italian beers.

Same town, different bar, this one the Au Bureau Pub & Brasserie. Again, not a lot to choose from, so went for the Bud which I’ve had many times before. Czech lager, 5% alcohol. Nothing extraordinary but very drinkable and refreshing. A good option when options are limited.

Same bar, this one was new to me so I tried it. It’s a bio (organic) beer from Belgium. Light honey colour, poor head but good lacing. Not as opaque as most bio beers; bit of a lingering tangy taste, not great but quite refreshing.


Same town, different bar - Chez Pleche. Lousy selection of beer on tap but fortunately they had the old stand-by, and my day-to-day beer in France, Kronenbourg. Not the world’s greatest beer but never fails.

A beer from near Mont Ventoux in the Auvergne. Bio (organic) and so pretty cloudy. Alcohol content 5%. Good head & lacing but not particularly refreshing. The location and the label would be attractive to serious bike riders.


Found this one in the town of Dieulefit Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region (Drôme Département) of France. Brewery is based in the town of Cléon d'Andran. Seems to be a common beer in the area. Label says it’s nonfiltered and non-pasteurized (?). 5% alcohol, cloudy, good head and lacing. Some sediment in the bottom of the bottle. Interesting, distinctive taste and quite refreshing but not one I would go to much trouble to find again.


A VERY (2020) recently-established brewery in Annecy, France. 5.4% alcohol and quite spicy, as the label suggests. Not particularly refreshing but very drinkable, and quite different.


Another beer from the Luberon, and one I’ve never seen before. Cloudy, good head and lacing; 5% alcohol. Refreshing and interesting taste.



German leg of trip