As you know, I have a section on this blog devoted to Loburg, one of my favourite European beers.
When talking to a few people recently and recounting some of the many stories related to my search for Loburg, it was suggested that I write a specific post on here about my search; I can also add in the reports I have received from several readers of the blog who have come across this elusive beer in their travels.
So, this is the start of the Looking for Loburg post.
A quick recap: much of this is a rehash of the information on this Loburg post on this blog. I will summarise some of it for a quick refresher:
It’s been stated that the brewery is owned by Stella Artois, but this is a myth; both breweries are owned by the giant company Anheuser-Busch Ibev (AB InBev) which seems to own a million breweries these days. I have never been able to find the exact location of the brewery: part of the difficulty is that it is not sold in cans or bottles, which is usually the way to obtain details of where the brewery is located. Several people have undertaken to find out the location of the brewery, and all have failed, so it’s not just me.
The main stories related to the search for Loburg relates to finding bars that have the sign out the front; I have learned that this simply means that they once sold it; the chances that they still do is no more that 50%.
There are probably three broad types of scenarios that I have encountered:
The bar that has the sign out the front but no longer sells it: this has happened to me on quite a few occasions, and it is extremely annoying; not only that they no longer sell it, but by the attitude of the bar staff to the effect that Why would you think we sell Loburg?, When confronted by the fact that they have a bloody great sign out the front of their bar, their response is generally Oh, that old sign! It’s been there for years!
There are two sub-categories of this scenario, this is one example: I once encountered a bar (La Renaissance in Bagnoles de l’Orne, in France) that actually had it on their hand-written slate out the front of the bar (see photo below - you can see my reflection gleefully photographing the sign in anticipation of having one or three later on). I go inside to inspect their beer taps and can’t see a Loburg tap. So I ask the barman, who tells me that they used to sell it but don’t anymore. I say, it’s on your bloody slate board out the front; he just gives me the Gallic Shrug….He also didn’t see the need to tell me that the bar across the road, that can be seen in the background in the photo below, does sell it. His loss, I had several there…
There is a second sub-category: the bar that used to sell it and where you’ve had it before, and now it’s not that they don’t sell it anymore, but the bar has closed down. This happened to me with a bar in a town called Alencon, near where I live.
The bar that has the sign out the front and DOES sell it. Having been burned too many times by scenario #1, I always venture inside and ask (if it’s not already obvious from their taps). On more than one occasion when I have asked, they look at me like I’m an imbecile and say Bah oui, of course we sell it, didn’t you see the sign out the front?? Ya can’t win.
Anyhow, some of this will be obvious from the posts below; as I say, the search is a never-ending one, and I will post any new reports on here from time to time, either from my own experiences, or from reports from other people.
Bars with the sign but no Loburg
It all begins with an idea.
So, this is the scenario where the bar used to sell Loburg, but now no longer does. This is probably the most frustrating scenario.
Blog Post Title Two
It all begins with an idea.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
Blog Post Title Three
It all begins with an idea.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
Blog Post Title Four
It all begins with an idea.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.