Brewery is based in the Alsace area of France, near Germany. They make several types of beer, but these are the only three I’ve tried. They have a Black which is often to be found in supermarkets, but I have a general aversion to dark beers.
Have never had the draught version of this beer, I know it comes in that form from seeing adverts for it on some bars, including one near me in France.
All are blonde beers; the Elass I prefer, even though it’s slightly stronger - 5.5% as opposed to 4.7% for the Bio although not as strong as the White.
I find the Bio to have a slightly odd taste although perfectly drinkable.
The White I’ve only recently (May 2023) come across and sampled. Based on the cloudy nature and taste, I assume it’s a Blanche but it doesn’t say. 6% alcohol so slightly stronger than the other two.
I rate the Elass as 6.5/10 and the Bio only a 5/10. I gave the White 6/10.
Licorne Elass at home in France, 2022
And its twin brother, the bio (organic) version
And now the Licorne White, at home in France, May 2023.